Wednesday, August 22, 2012

L.A. Mayor's #Carmageddon PSA Goes from Stay Home to Stay Local. #Progress

Remember the O.G. Carmageddon, way back when it was a threat to the mobility of all Angelenos, sure to commit an entire city to Gridlock, sequestering us all to our homes?

Now it's back with a vengeance and "Carmageddon II" promises to turn carmageddon, into "carmaheaven". Mayor Villaraigosa released a PSA today encouraging Angelenos to plan ahead, avoid the area, and stay local!


Thanks, Mayor Villaraigosa, for encouraging Angelenos to get out and enjoy a car-free weekend! Now can we just shut down the 405 once a year and have one big city-wide CicLAvia? *fingers crossed*

A small tweak in messaging is a huge win for cyclists, peds, advocates of sustainable streets, and all those interested in getting Angelenos out of their cars (IMHO), and I believe the L.A. cycling community had a lot to do with this. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. There is also a city wide movement to encourage people to explore the local arts in their neighborhood. Check out @ARTmageddonLA and we'll help promote your event:
